

Mesotherapy is a cosmetic procedure that involves injecting a combination of vitamins, minerals, and other active ingredients directly into the mesoderm (the middle layer of skin) to improve the appearance of the skin. The procedure is often used to treat a variety of skin concerns, including fine lines and wrinkles, sagging skin, dark circles, and age spots.

During the procedure, the practitioner will clean the skin and numb the area to be treated with a local anaesthetic. Using a small needle, the mesotherapy solution is then injected into the mesoderm in a series of tiny injections. The solution works to stimulate the skin’s natural healing process, boost collagen production, and improve skin tone and texture.

Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure that can be performed in a medical spa or cosmetic clinic. The procedure typically takes 30 to 60 minutes, and there is little to no downtime. Results can be seen within a few weeks and can last for several months.

It’s important to note that mesotherapy is not a one-time treatment and a series of sessions may be required to achieve optimal results. Additionally, it is important to seek treatment from a licensed healthcare professional to minimize the risk of complications and ensure optimal results.

The Benefits of Having Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy offers several benefits, including:

  1. Minimal downtime: Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure that requires little to no downtime, allowing patients to return to their normal activities immediately following the procedure.
  2. Customizable: Mesotherapy can be customized to target specific skin concerns, such as fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, and age spots.
  3. Natural-looking results: The natural ingredients used in mesotherapy help to stimulate the skin’s natural healing process and improve skin tone and texture, resulting in natural-looking results.
  4. Non-surgical: Mesotherapy is a non-surgical alternative to more invasive cosmetic procedures, such as facelifts and injectables.
  5. Safe: Mesotherapy is considered safe when performed by a licensed healthcare professional. The solution used in the injections is a combination of natural ingredients, reducing the risk of adverse reactions.
  6. Cost-effective: Mesotherapy is often more cost-effective than more invasive cosmetic procedures and can offer similar results with fewer treatments.
  7. Long-lasting results: Mesotherapy results can last for several months, depending on the individual and the severity of their skin concerns.

It’s important to note that results may vary depending on the individual and the severity of their skin concerns. It is also important to seek treatment from a licensed healthcare professional to minimize the risk of complications and ensure optimal results.

If you would like more information on this treatment you can contact me here.